Lake with swan
Laboratorio Picchiarini
Stained window
c. 1914
Material and technique:
Vetro opalescente, vetro cattedrale, vetro antico di Germania, vetro soffiato inglese, vetro legato a piombo, vetro antico di Germania soffiato a bocca colorato in pasta
alt. 110.5 cm, larg. 187 cm
Casina delle Civette
M CC 149
Fiori: ninfea. Fiori: iris. Paesaggi con acque: lago. Animali: uccelli acquatici, cigno.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
The second bathroom in the house is smaller than the Prince’s, but no less decorative.
Indeed, the small room was entirely covered with fine majolica work, depicting cascades of bunched of yellow grapes at the high up the walls and an elegant Art Deco design in the bottom strip of the walls.