
Outstanding collections ranging from prehistory to modern and contemporary art, from the masterpieces of the world's oldest public museum to heritage-enhancing projects using the latest digital technologies.

Sistema Musei di Roma Capitale is this and more.

It is also a lively museum network, animated by exhibitions and special events. Each day, many educational activities are scheduled: guided tours, talks, workshops and special projects that are appropriate for all types of visitors.

Many different and stimulating ways of knowing our cultural heritage, a common and shared good which must be appreciated and protected.

E.g., 27/07/2024
Free with MIC card
Mari Grandinetti Mancuso, Astrazione di natura morta (Natura morta), ante 1930
Musei di Villa Torlonia
14 June - 06 October 2024
Mostra di artiste attive a Roma nel corso del Novecento
Musei di Villa Torlonia
25 November 2023 - 13 October 2024
The exhibition project is dedicated to Virgilio Retrosi (Roma 1892-1975), an artist present in the collections of the Museo di Roma with the 14 parade plates dedicated to the historical districts of Rome.
Musei di Villa Torlonia
05 April - 31 December 2024
From 5 April 2024, the Antiaircraft Shelter and the Bunker located under the Casino Nobile, two underground structures built during the Second World War, will reopen to the public with a new multimedia display that allows for an immersive and experiential visit.
Mari Grandinetti Mancuso, Astrazione di natura morta (Natura morta), ante 1930
Musei di Villa Torlonia
14 June - 06 October 2024
Mostra di artiste attive a Roma nel corso del Novecento
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Il Casino Nobile di Villa Torlonia  - Esterno - Prospetto principale
Musei di Villa Torlonia
03 January - 31 December 2024
Una visita guidata tattile-sensoriale con operatori specializzati disponibile su richiesta.
Balaustrata con mensole a riccio con chiocciole, Lorenzo Corrado Cesanelli, travertino scolpito, 1916/1919, N. inv:  CC 47
Musei di Villa Torlonia
03 January - 31 December 2024
Una visita guidata tattile-sensoriale con operatori specializzati disponibile su richiesta.