Primarosa Cesarini Sforza. La materia e il perimetro

The exhibition explores the artist's 50 years of activity, in the constant confrontation with matter that led her to experiment with the most diverse techniques and materials to shape her creative process.
The title of the exhibition is based on the two directions that have marked the artist's work. On the one hand, the constant confrontation with matter that has led Cesarini Sforza to experiment with the most disparate techniques and materials to give shape to his creative process: drawings, paintings, installations, graphics, ceramics and artist's books are on display. On the other hand, a use of memory as a perimeter within which to conduct that confrontation with matter; a memory that has never become nostalgia, melancholy, but rather the key to interpreting her constant being in the contemporary world, in what has been and is around her.
The exhibition is a critical breakdown by periods that offers visitors a glimpse of the artist's unceasing work, which, only seen in its entirety, demonstrates all its compactness around these two guiding ideas.
The exhibition also includes written inserts in which Cesarini Sforza recounts his biography, catalogues from his New York years, as well as catalogues and photographs that will show how the artist's works have been seen, sought after and appreciated in many European countries and around the world, in New Delhi, in Iran, in
Istanbul, in Argentina.
The exhibition is therefore intended to reconstruct Cesarini Sforza's long career, but also his ability to branch out, interweave relationships and dialogue with the art of his time without losing the solidity of his personal research. An essential exhibition capable of offering
visitors an exhaustive cross-section of a long artistic journey that carefully investigated his time in all its intimate and collective changes.
The exhibition is organised in partnership with KMSTUDIO and TraLeVolte. The catalogue is published by AAIE Center for Contemporary Art. Special thanks to Alessandra Scerrato and Francesco Pezzini.
From 5 April to 2 July 2023
Tuesday to Sunday from 9.00 to 19.00 hrs.
last entrance one hour before closing
Closed on Mondays and 1 May
ALWAYS CONSULT THE NOTICE PAGE before planning your visit to the museum
Consult the page: Tickets and audioguides
Free admission to the museum with the MIC card , available in museums and ONLINE
060608 daily from 9.00 to 19.00
Curated by: Michela Becchis
Roma Culture - Capitoline Superintendence for Cultural Heritage - Department of Cultural Growth
With the collaboration of KMSTUDIO, TraLeVolte
Zètema Progetto Cultura