Matema(n)tica. La scienza si divulga anche così

Four-handed graffiti by Herman Normoid and Hectòr Ojeda at the Casina delle Civette.
The exhibition proposes a contemporary and engaging way of disseminating contemporary physics concepts to the general public, through five large-scale graffiti on wood executed by four hands by Herman Normoid, a multifaceted plastic artist, and Héctor Ojeda, a physicist researcher at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council).
In addition, a video is presented showing the two authors, in the classrooms of the Institute of Physics at 'La Sapienza' University in Rome, grappling with the first blackboard experiments for the creation of the works on display.
The exhibition, based on the consideration that science needs a wide public dissemination in order not to remain isolated and to encourage young people to choose it as the object of their studies, aims to communicate the contents of contemporary physics through artistic intervention.
In particular, 21st century physics topics such as time crystals, superconductors, synchronisation and Higgs physics are highlighted, taking advantage of Normoid's action to 'lighten' the not always easily accessible contents of Ojeda's tables.
The words semantics and mathematics come together in the title of the exhibition to indicate a possible way of disseminating concepts that, despite their complexity, can be communicated to the lay public.
The exhibition is accompanied by a series of educational activities related both to the artistic technique of graffiti, fashionable since the 15th century on the facades of Roman buildings and used in the works on display, and to the popularisation of contemporary physics concepts. These workshops are run by volunteers from the European Union of Art Experts and researchers from the Institute of Physics at La Sapienza University of Rome and the CNR.
From 5 November 2022 to 29 January 2023
Tuesday to Sunday 9.00 - 19.00
last entrance one hour before closing
Closing days Monday
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Consult the page: Tickets and audioguides
Free entrance to the museum with the MIC card
060608 every day from 9.00 to 19.00
Curated by Roberto Luciani
Promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Produced by European Union of Art Experts
With the sponsorship and patronage of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerchel - Complex Systems Institute
Museum services Zètema Progetto Cultura
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