
Duilio Cambellotti
Cesare Picchiarini recorded in his artistic diary that he had, in 1915, made for Cambellotti, two shutters for a French window, the subject of which was cherries.
A sketch with the same subject is on display in the museum and comes from Cesare Picchiarini’s studio, but the fate of the corresponding stained glass is unknown.
Both the cartoon and the sketch show branches laden with fruit, set in a vertical grid.
The edges of the cartoon have various measurements written on them, probably refering to the dimensions of the various elements of the composition.
The cherries are drawn in pencil and charcoal and coloured in water-colour and tempera.
This theme also appears in a fountain made by the artist for a private house in Anguillara, in which the covering tiles form a large cherry.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
Across a narrow passage with a curious gallery closed by spiralled glass, lies the last room in the house. It was added to the building by Vincenze Fasolo in 1918-19 during the last phase of the enlargement.
The room originally had a ceiling painted with swallows in flight, but no trace of it now remains. However the theme of swallows is still present in the fine glass and the stucco work.