Un mondo fluttuante. Opere su carta di Anna Onesti

Japanese paper tapestries and kites. A floating world. Works on paper by Anna Onesti
The exhibition project pays homage to Japan through the work of an artist who, for more than 20 years, has been working on research delineating a bridge between different and often distant artistic traditions.
Anna Onesti is an artist with a complex and articulated path who has collaborated with important international institutions committed to safeguarding cultural heritage.
Her works are made on paper, using decorative techniques inspired by the traditional dyeing of fabrics; techniques she learned in his periods of study in Japan and which are based on reserve dyeing methods, or partial dyeing methods, such as: itajimezome, shiborizome, and katazome. The colors used in these dyeing processes are mainly of organic origin.
In Japan, these techniques, born for the dyeing of fabrics, are also used on paper.
The exhibition features eight tapestries and eight kites, the result of the artist's recent work. The exhibition aims to reflect on how current modernization has affected the production of this material, whose development depends very much on the quality of the environment and its proper ecological balance.
As part of the exhibition, some side events are held that can be used remotely or according to the requirements of the legislation in force: the calendar of appointments will be announced next to the opening of the exhibition.
Attendance in side events is free.
Curated by Alessia Ferraro, Maria Grazia Massafra
With the patronage of the Fondazione Italia Giappone
With the collaboration of: Arcastudio (Turin), Cartiera Paudice Nereo (Leinì - Turin), Ditta Ivano Francavilla (Anzio - Rome), IkiGai Art Gallery (Rome), Interno 14 next (Rome), Oasicolore, Studiodueti (Marino - Rome)
Roma Capitale - Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Extended until 27 June 2021. The dates indicated may change.
From Tuesday to Sunday from 9.00- 19.00
Last admission 1 hour before closing time
ALWAYS REFER TO THE NOTICES before planning your visit to the museum.
See the page: Tickets and audio guides
tel 060608 (every day 9.00 - 19.00)