The world of Pino Melis

Omaggio ad una famiglia di artisti sardi: Melkiorre, Federico, Olimpia e Pino Melis
15/11/2008 - 11/01/2009
Musei di Villa Torlonia,
Casina delle Civette

The Museo della Casina delle Civette is playing host to an exhibition dedicated to the work of Sardinian painter, illustrator and miniaturist, Pino Melis.

Actually, it plays homage to the entire Sardinian family of artists: Melkiorre, Federico, Olimpia and Pino himself whom Antonio Faeti describes, in the catalogue, as “The absolute Master of style, a meticulous virtuoso of colours and work in pen and ink”. For the first time ever since his death, Sardinian artist Pino Melis' (Bosa 1902 – Rome 1985) work is being shown in Rome, in the Museo della Casina delle Civette from 15 November 2008 to 11 January 2009. The exhibition is being mounted thanks to funding from the Region of Sardinia and Cagliari City Council and from the “Il Gremio” Cultural Association for Sardinians in Rome that was born in 1948 both to boost the island's culture and raise awareness about it as well as acting as a rallying point for Sardinians in the capital. Sponsorship has also been provided by the City of Rome's Departments for Cultural Policies and the Communications-Superintendency for Cultural Heritage with organizational support from Zètema Progetto Cultura. Maria Vittoria Migaleddu, VP of “Il Gremio” shares curatorial duties of the exhibition with Angela Redini Giuliani from the Redini Giuliani Melis Archives and Maria Grazia Massafra, Director of the Museo della Casina delle Civette.
Over 150 works are being displayed: original drawings for illustrations, furniture and decorations, fabric, painted fabric, pieces in filet (the work of Olimpia Melis), original miniatures, sketches and cartoons for glass windows and doors, jewellery, illustrations for children's books and two portraits of Pino Melis painted by Maria Letizia Giuliani and Rolando Monti. The aim of the exhibition is to commemorate the many talents of this sophisticated Sardinian artist and artisan in the context of his native land and his family. The Melis' are certainly a family of artists, and one that favours the applied arts and in diffusing their work, tying it in to major European trends, manage to raise awareness of Sardinia at both national and international levels.

Born into such an artistic environment, Melis proved to be a precociously gifted child, making his debut with picture-cards on fashion for an Exhibition held in Sassari in 1916 to support Civil Mobilization. He moved to Rome in 1921 to study pottery under Corrado Cagli and there began to enrich the culture he had already inherited from his family and his native island. He was also exposed to the different styles and techniques adopted by some of the most important early 20th century exponents of applied arts, Duilio Cambellotti in particular. The “Il Gremio” Association for Sardinians was keen that this exhibition should also provide an opportunity to present some aspects of Sardinian craftsmanship today and on Saturday 15 November, the Piredda Sisters are showing a selection of their designs.

For over 20 years, these designers have been reworking the colours, shapes and techniques that are traditionally used in Sardinia, creating simple, basic clothes enriched with embroidery and ancient motifs. Their creations have been shown on catwalks in Rome and Milan, France, Spain and Algeria, even making it as far afield as the Fashion Academy in Osaka, Japan. As an exclusive homage to the Museum acting as host, the Piredda Sisters have designed a special shawl inspired by a Pino Melis drawing of an owlet, (civetta) depicted in amongst ruins in a nocturnal setting that brings to mind the garden of the Villa Torlonia itself.


Musei di Villa Torlonia
, Casina delle Civette
Opening hours

hours 9.00-16.30 (the ticket office closes 45 minutes before)
Closed on Monday, Dec. 25, Jan. 1, 24 and Dec. 31 9.00-14.00

Entrance ticket

Ticket single integrated Casino Nobile, Casina of Civette, with Casino dei Principi Show: € 9.00 whole, reduced € 5.50
Ticket Casina of Civette + See: € 3.00; reduced € 1.50.
Gratuity and reductions
Per accedere alla mostra è necessario acquistare il biglietto del Museo


060608 (every day 9.00am - 10.30pm)

Exhibition|Contemporary art
Web site
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Banche Tesoriere del Comune di Roma - BNL, Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Maria Grazia Massafra, Maria Vittoria Migaleddu, Angela Redini Giuliani

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