lchemy of earth and light. The thousand faces of ceramic by Guerrino Tramonti (Faenza 1915-1992)

Guerrino Tramonti (1915-1992), an artist from Faenza, is considered among the most interesting and prolific creators of ceramic works of art of 1900.
Starting from painting, as a ceramist he proposed innovations both in shapes and in technique and materials. In fact he brought porcelain stoneware to Faenza and experimented with original forms of glazing.
The long activity of director of Institutes of Art has facilitate his will to experiment with new forms of applied art including the art of tapestry. All starting from a solid basis of drawing and painting which constitute as many expressive forms of his vast repertoire. Its House-Museum, in Faenza, opened in 1987, contains about 390 works distributed in 7 rooms and, since 2010, has been the seat of the Guerrino Tramonti Foundation, promoter of the Roman exhibition. Tramonti's work is widely historicized also through a series of exhibitions in Italy, in particular in Rome at Palazzo Venezia in 2009, in Urbino in the Casa di Raffaello in 2010 and in Japan, where his works have been exhibited on a biennial tour which then ended at the International Museum of Ceramics (MIC) in Faenza in 2013. Furthermore, in this Museum are exhibited numerous works by Tramonti. The artist's works can also be admired permanently in the Sinopia Gallery in Rome.
The Casina delle Civette, a splendid treasure chest of applied arts, whose library is dedicated to these arts, is the ideal container for the display of a selected series of works harmoniously inserted in the various rooms with specific references between the color tone of the windows and the translucent color of the ceramic surfaces. In the Dependence, works with a more vibrant color have been included, especially the very particular glazed plates with thick glass, the paintings and the tapestries. Altogether the works on display are fifty.
Exhibition organized by the in collaboration with the Coop. Sociale “Apriti Sesamo” and the antique-contemporary art gallery “Sinopia”, with the patronage of the Città di Faenza and the MIC (Museo della Ceramica).
Curated by Maria Grazia Massafra, Raffella Lupi and Stefania Severi
From 11 June 2020 to 27 September 2020
phone: 060608