Fortitudo, Labor, Pax, Fiamma

Paolo Paschetto, Fortitudo, Labor, Pax, Fiamma

Paolo Paschetto

c. 1925
Material and technique: 
Inchiostro di china e acquerello su cartoncino
Collezione Vetrate d’Arte Giuliani, Roma
M CC 3 a b c d

Bozzetto collocato insieme ad altri 3 su un supporto cartaceo
Iconografia sacra/simboli:fuoco, motivi decorativi: nastri

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall


This light-filled room was fitted out with wicker furniture and used by the prince as a smoking room, according to the accounts of the children of the wardrobe mistress, who lived in the House of the Owls from 1916 to 1939.

The bow window, which looks out onto the park, was decorated with wood panelling carved with roses, repeating the theme of the garlands of flowers found on the high strip of the walls of the room.


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